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WissenNeue Regeln bei IRONMAN Rennen

New rules for IRONMAN races

Here are the most important new rules for Ironman and triathlon races from 2025: 1. Drafting penalties and slipstream zone The penalties for violations of the drafting ban have been reduced: - Lo...

WissenEnergetische Versorgung beim Laufen: Wichtig auch im Training!

Energy supply while running: also important during training!

Many runners think that the right energy supply is only important during competitions - but that is a big mistake! Energy supply also plays a key role in training in order to perform, make progres...

WissenMann und Frau mit Proteingetränk

How much protein per serving is recommended?

The recommended amount of protein per serving or meal is typically 20 to 30 grams to maximize muscle protein synthesis. This is based on several studies that show that this amount is sufficient for...

WissenRunner mit Energie Gel

Study finds inaccuracies in ingredient disclosure

The current online edition of " triathlete " magazine deals with inaccuracies in the ingredient listing of various sports gels from manufacturers. The article refers to a study published in the Int...

ProdukteSportBrennstoff ERHOLUNG mit Shaker

SportBrennstoff ERHOLUNG and SHAKER

SportBrennstoff presents: ERHOLUNG - the ultimate protein-carbohydrate drink for optimal regeneration after intensive training sessions. High-quality protein source - SportBrennstoff ERH...


Dietary fiber for athletes?

Fiber plays a crucial role in the daily diet of athletes as it provides numerous health benefits that support both overall fitness and athletic performance.

WissenMann mit ungesundem Essen

Fat in endurance sports

Fat plays a central role in endurance sports, especially during long-term exertion such as marathons, triathlons or long bike rides.

WissenProbleme beim Durchhalten Deines Workouts?

Having trouble sticking to your workout?

Why nutrition and training go hand in hand. Do you know the feeling of running out of energy in the middle of a workout? You started motivated, but suddenly you don't have the strength to complete...

WissenAthlet mit Proteingetränk

The optimal time for protein intake

There is no clear recommendation for an exact time when you should consume protein before training. We know that proteins are important for muscle regeneration and muscle building. However, that i...

WissenSugar and the Devil (AI generated)

Is sugar the enemy of athletes?

Sugar is neither an enemy nor an absolute friend for athletes. Its effect depends greatly on the type of sport, the intensity, the time of intake and the amount. Here is a differentiated view:

EreignisseJonas Hoffmann Ironman Frankfurt 2024

SportBrennstoff becomes official sponsor of top triathlete Jonas Hoffmann

From January 2025, the successful professional triathlete Jonas Hoffmann will enter into a partnership with SportBrennstoff GmbH. The company ( website ), known for its high-quality sports nutritio...

WissenHeisshunger nach dem Training?

Cravings after training?

CRABBING AFTER TRAINING? - This indicates an energy deficiency during training and can have a very negative effect on the development of athletic performance. It is therefore important to provide y...

Press releases

Leichtes Frühstück

Plan your meals consciously

Before exercise, you should be very conscious about your nutrition well in advance.

Hard sessions/competitions: no heavy food 3 hours before the exercise. Consume liquid carbohydrates in small portions. The further before the start, the more liquid you should consume.

Light units: You can work on light food until you reach the point of exertion. Nevertheless, you should be careful and provide yourself with good nutrition.

Avoid fiber 3 hours before the session.

Belastung in Taupo

Now it depends.

Basic training: Drink 30g of slow carbohydrates with 500-750ml in one hour. Avoid insulin.

Stress training: Drink 60g of carbohydrates with 500-750ml in one hour.

Competition or competition-oriented exercise: drink 80g to 90g of carbohydrates with 500-750ml within one hour.

SportBrennstoff Wettkampf stone


Now it depends on the planned unit. You may also need to follow the trainer's instructions.

Basic training: Drink 30g of slow carbohydrates with 500-750ml per hour. Ideal: BASIC

Stress training: Drink 60g - 80g of carbohydrates with 500-750ml per hour. Ideal: STRESS

Competition or competition-oriented training: Drink 90g - 120g of fast carbohydrates with 500-750ml per hour. Ideal: COMPETITION

SportBrennstoff Erholung Intro

REST is important

It is essential to provide the correct care immediately. This also applies to basic units!

Basic units: Use approximately 20g of protein and at least 20g of carbohydrates immediately after exercise with a source of potassium and a source of sodium.

Harder/longer units: Consume approx. 40g of protein and at least 40g of carbohydrates immediately after exercise with a source of potassium and a source of sodium.


Bunte Ernhrung

Healthy and varied

Now it's all about a healthy, balanced and varied diet. Make sure you get the right distribution of macro and micronutrients.

Carbohydrates: 60%
Proteins: 20%
Fats: 20%

Vitamins: Vitamin C, B12
Minerals: magnesium, potassium, sodium
Fiber: about 30g per day