WissenProbleme beim Durchhalten Deines Workouts?

Probleme beim Durchhalten Deines Workouts?

Warum Ernährung und Training Hand in Hand gehen.Kennst du das Gefühl, dass dir mitten im Workout die Energie ausgeht? Du bist motiviert gestartet, aber plötzlich fehlt dir die Kraft, um das Trainin...

WissenAthlet mit Proteingetränk

Der Optimale Zeitpunkt für die Aufnahme von Proteinen

Es gibt keine eindeutige Empfehlung für einen exakten Zeitpunkt, zu dem man Proteine vor dem Training aufnehmen sollte. Wir wissen, das Proteine wichtig für die Regeneration der Muskulatur und auch...

WissenSugar and the Devil (AI generated)

Is sugar the enemy of athletes?

Sugar is neither an enemy nor an absolute friend for athletes. Its effect depends greatly on the type of sport, the intensity, the time of intake and the amount. Here is a differentiated view:

WissenHeisshunger nach dem Training?

Cravings after training?

CRABBING AFTER TRAINING? - This indicates an energy deficiency during training and can have a very negative effect on the development of athletic performance. It is therefore important to provide y...


Protein Recommendations for Endurance Athletes

An optimal amino acid profile for a protein powder in endurance sports should be balanced and contain certain key amino acids in sufficient quantities. Here are the most important aspects at a glan...

WissenMetabolismus Schalter

Can we switch to fat burning?

Can our body simply switch to fat burning when we are physically active? How does fat burning actually work across different levels of exertion and when is it at its greatest? What do I need to con...


The right nutrition for functional high-intensity training

Functional high-intensity training, as practiced in modern fitness challenges, places special demands on nutrition. A balanced and targeted sports nutrition can significantly improve performance an...

WissenKohlenhydrate Schematisch dargestellt

Does a high carbohydrate intake make sense?

A high carbohydrate intake during intense physical exertion, such as a mountain marathon, can have a positive effect on CK, LDH and GOT levels: Effects on muscle enzymes A high carbohydrate intake ...


Cherry juice for relaxation?

From a sports nutrition perspective, sour cherry juice has some special properties that make it interesting for athletes.

WissenGesunde Ernährung im Sport

Optimal nutrition for endurance athletes: short and long-term regeneration

Optimal nutrition for endurance athletes: short and long-term regeneration Endurance athletes place special demands on their bodies and therefore require a carefully planned nutritional strategy...

WissenGibt es ein optimales Glukose:Fruktose Verhältnis?

Is there an optimal ratio of glucose:fructose?

Is there an optimal glucose:fructose ratio in endurance sports? Endurance athletes are constantly searching for the perfect nutritional strategy to optimize their performance. A key question is the...

WissenNatriumbicarbonat oder Backpulver

sodium bicarbonate or baking powder

The advantages and disadvantages of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in endurance sports Sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda, has emerged in recent years as a potential aid for endur...


The right nutrition before, during and after exercise.

versorgung vor der belastung
Versorgung vor der belastung
versorgung im wettkampf im training
Nachversorgung nach dem training
versorgung nach dem training