Hunger nach dem Sport? Das Produkt hilft Dir aktiv.

Our product for optimal basic/fat burning training.

Drinking bottles
Our 750ml water bottles correspond exactly to the amount of liquid recommended for 1 hour of exercise.

BELASTUNG is our product for the medium load range with an optimized glucose:fructose ratio of 2:1 and a neutral taste.

WETTKAMPF is our product for the high stress range with an optimized glucose:fructose ratio of 1:0.8 and a neutral taste.
Our sports drinks
Our three products for optimal care according to stress or training zones.

Energy for many sports
Our products already provide many athletes with the energy they need to achieve their individual goals. Different training and exercise areas require different energy supplies in terms of the amount of carbohydrates and the speed at which they are absorbed. We follow these guidelines and make things easier for you.
Ball sports
Our products already provide many athletes with the energy they need to achieve their individual goals. Different training and exercise areas require different energy supplies in terms of the amount of carbohydrates and the speed at which they are absorbed. We follow these guidelines and make things easier for you.

- Three products for three stress areas
- Always the "right" carbohydrates and important sodium
- GRUNDLAGE: Basic training, 30g carbohydrates (max. 60g)
- BELASTUNG: Stress training, 60g carbohydrates (max. 90g)
- WETTKAMPF: Competition/Training, 90g carbohydrates (max. 120g)
- Easy to use, precisely dosed
- Neutral, natural "original" taste
- Contents: 930g per pack
Our complete product range

SportBrennstoff Training package

SportBrennstoff Advantage Package

SportBrennstoff Stress Package

SportBrennstoff GRUNDLAGE

SportBrennstoff BELASTUNG

SportBrennstoff WETTKAMPF

SportBrennstoff ERHOLUNG

SportBrennstoff Bottle

SportBrennstoff SHAKER

SportBrennstoff Sample package

SportBrennstoff BELASTUNG

SportBrennstoff GRUNDLAGE

SportBrennstoff WETTKAMPF

SportBrennstoff ERHOLUNG

SportBrennstoff Basis Package

SportBrennstoff Training package

SportBrennstoff Stress Package

SportBrennstoff Advantage Package
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