SportBrennstoff Sortiment
SportBrennstoff Grundlage


Our product for optimal basic/fat burning training.

Sportbrennstoff Flasche blau

Drinking bottles

Our 750ml water bottles correspond exactly to the amount of liquid recommended for 1 hour of exercise.

SportBrennstoff Belastung


BELASTUNG is our product for the medium load range with an optimized glucose:fructose ratio of 2:1 and a neutral taste.

SportBrennstoff Wettkampf


WETTKAMPF is our product for the high stress range with an optimized glucose:fructose ratio of 1:0.8 and a neutral taste.

Our sports drinks

Our three products for optimal care according to stress or training zones.

SportBrennstoff Produktportfolio
SportBrennstoff Produktbundle Sport
SportBrennstoff Advantage Package Sale price€85,00 Regular price€96,00
SportBrennstoff Grundlage
SportBrennstoff GRUNDLAGE Sale price€36,00(€1,20/31g)
SportBrennstoff Belastung
SportBrennstoff BELASTUNG Sale price€30,00(€2,00/62g)
SportBrennstoff Wettkampf
SportBrennstoff WETTKAMPF Sale price€30,00(€3,00/93g)
Save €11,00
SportBrennstoff Produktbundle SportSportBrennstoff Drei Produkte
Sale price€85,00 Regular price€96,00
SportBrennstoff GrundlageSportBrennstoff Grundlage Rückseite
Sale price€36,00(€1,20/31g)
SportBrennstoff BelastungSportBrennstoff Belastung Rückseite
Sale price€30,00(€2,00/62g)
SportBrennstoff WettkampfSportBrennstoff Wettkampf Rückseite
Sale price€30,00(€3,00/93g)

Energy for many sports

Our products already provide many athletes with the energy they need to achieve their individual goals. Different training and exercise areas require different energy supplies in terms of the amount of carbohydrates and the speed at which they are absorbed. We follow these guidelines and make things easier for you.






Ball sports



The combination of three sports with different challenges and stress profiles places special demands on sports nutrition.

Triathlet in der Wechselzone


Swimming is an endurance sport, or rather more intense over shorter distances. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to supply yourself with energy either before exercise or, in the case of longer sessions, during exercise.

Schwimmer im Wasser


Cycling is more of an endurance sport, but it makes it easier for us to get energy while cycling. You can consume up to 120g of carbohydrates because the strain on your digestive tract is not particularly high.

Radfahrer im Regen und Dunkel


Compared to cycling, running is a little more complex in terms of energy supply. The strain on the digestive system is greater and therefore the ability to absorb the maximum amount of carbohydrates is limited.

Läuferin im Regen


Athletics is very complex. But here too, the amount of carbohydrates consumed is rather limited and must be adjusted to the intensity and duration of the exercise.


Ball sports

Ball sports are very complex as team or individual sports. But many experiences from the endurance area can be easily transferred.

Andere Sportarten

Our products already provide many athletes with the energy they need to achieve their individual goals. Different training and exercise areas require different energy supplies in terms of the amount of carbohydrates and the speed at which they are absorbed. We follow these guidelines and make things easier for you.


Optimized recovery

Our support for improved recovery through the high-quality combination of plant-based protein sources, fiber and various antioxidants.

CONCLUSION: Thanks to the different forms of sugar, there is something for everyone. And at a fair price.

triathlon Magazine 09/2024

'I have been riding a racing bike for 40 years and with SportBrennstoff I have finally found a product that totally convinces me.'

Anton G.