
Our magazine is also our knowledge hub and is available to you 24/7. We have categorized the articles so that you can find your way around more easily. If you have a personal question, please use our service area.

WissenKein Kalium in der Sporternährung

Why is there no potassium?

Our sports nutrition products do not contain any additional minerals and trace elements other than sodium in the form of sodium chloride. All other minerals are not necessary in the specific str...

Anti-DopingAnti-Doping-konform SportBrennstoff Sporternährung

Anti-doping compliant

Our products are manufactured in Germany under the strictest conditions. Production takes place in accordance with DIN EN ISO 22000:2018 Food Safety Management Systems and additionally in accordanc...

KlimaschutzVersand-mit-Stil SportBrennstoff Verpackungen

Shipping with style!

We send our items to you in style. This means you can see what awaits you before unboxing and you'll be more excited. We also always send our items with DHL's GoGreen additional service.

PodcastTriathlon-Podcast-Carbon-Laktat SportBrennstoff

Triathlon Podcast Carbon & Lactate

On July 19, 2024, I was a guest at the Triathlon Talk "Carbon & Lactate" from Tri-Mag , the triathlon magazine in German-speaking countries. The topic of the podcast was/is " Basics and subtlet...

WissenEnergetische-Versorgung SportBrennstoff Sporternährung

Energy supply

Our glycogen stores are limited. On average, the stores in the muscles are between 300g and 600g in well-trained endurance athletes. In addition, there are 100g to 150g of glycogen in the liver. Th...

WissenEnergetische Versorgung in Training und Wettkampf Sporternährung

Supply during competition

Endurance refers to the body 's resistance to fatigue and its ability to regenerate quickly after exertion (particularly in relation to sporting activities ) 1 . We are talking here in particular a...

KlimaschutzÖkologischer-Fußabdruck SportBrennstoff Sporternährung Umwelt

Ecological footprint

What can we do to reduce our ecological footprint 🦶 as much as possible? As recreational athletes, we do quite a lot for our health. Lots of exercise and regular sport combined with a conscious die...

WissenAntioxidantien-im-Sport SportBrennstoff Sporternährung

Antioxidants in sports

The use of vitamin C and E and other antioxidants in sports nutrition (dietary supplements during exercise) can have a negative impact on training results. During the training phase, please make su...

EreignisseRadklassiker-2024 SportBrennstoff

Cycling classics 2024

The Eschborn-Frankfurt 2024 cycling classic is history. With a total of 10,000 participants, a new record number of participants was achieved. The classic route led over 103 km through Frankfurt an...

ProdukteWETTKAMPF-Gel-selbst-herstellen SportBrennstoff

Make your own COMPETITION gel

We have decided not to produce gel sachets at the moment. Each gel sachet (portion pack) creates a lot of waste, as this packaging is currently made of plastic or metal foil. For a long-distance tr...

Press releases

Leichtes Frühstück

Plan your meals consciously

Before exercise, you should be very conscious about your nutrition well in advance.

Hard sessions/competitions: no heavy food 3 hours before the exercise. Consume liquid carbohydrates in small portions. The further before the start, the more liquid you should consume.

Light units: You can work on light food until you reach the point of exertion. Nevertheless, you should be careful and provide yourself with good nutrition.

Avoid fiber 3 hours before the session.

Belastung in Taupo

Now it depends.

Basic training: Drink 30g of slow carbohydrates with 500-750ml in one hour. Avoid insulin.

Stress training: Drink 60g of carbohydrates with 500-750ml in one hour.

Competition or competition-oriented exercise: drink 80g to 90g of carbohydrates with 500-750ml within one hour.

SportBrennstoff Wettkampf stone


Now it depends on the planned unit. You may also need to follow the trainer's instructions.

Basic training: Drink 30g of slow carbohydrates with 500-750ml per hour. Ideal: BASIC

Stress training: Drink 60g - 80g of carbohydrates with 500-750ml per hour. Ideal: STRESS

Competition or competition-oriented training: Drink 90g - 120g of fast carbohydrates with 500-750ml per hour. Ideal: COMPETITION

SportBrennstoff Erholung Intro

REST is important

It is essential to provide the correct care immediately. This also applies to basic units!

Basic units: Use approximately 20g of protein and at least 20g of carbohydrates immediately after exercise with a source of potassium and a source of sodium.

Harder/longer units: Consume approx. 40g of protein and at least 40g of carbohydrates immediately after exercise with a source of potassium and a source of sodium.


Bunte Ernhrung

Healthy and varied

Now it's all about a healthy, balanced and varied diet. Make sure you get the right distribution of macro and micronutrients.

Carbohydrates: 60%
Proteins: 20%
Fats: 20%

Vitamins: Vitamin C, B12
Minerals: magnesium, potassium, sodium
Fiber: about 30g per day